Home Automation

Home automation is technology to control and automate various household tasks and functions. This can include everything from turning on and off lights, adjusting the temperature and climate control, opening and closing doors and windows, monitoring and controlling security systems, and even controlling appliances and entertainment systems.

Home automation systems typically involve the use of sensors, controllers, and smart devices that are interconnected and can be controlled remotely through a central interface, such as a mobile app or voice assistant. These systems can be programmed to respond to specific triggers, such as a person entering or leaving a room, or to operate on a set schedule.

The goal of home automation is to make household tasks more convenient, efficient, and cost-effective by reducing the need for manual intervention and enabling greater control and customization of household functions.


PlantUML Syntax:<br />
<p>frame “Analysis domain” {<br />
    rectangle Visualisation {<br />
        component [Grafana] as gf<br />
    }<br />
    rectangle Storage {<br />
        component [InfluxDB] as id<br />
    }<br />
<p>frame “Control domain” {<br />
    rectangle Cloud {<br />
        component [Evohome] as evo<br />
        component [Google Assistant] as ga<br />
    }<br />
    rectangle Controller {<br />
        component [Home Assistant] as ha<br />
        component [AppDaemon] as ad<br />
        component [Location Tracker] as lt<br />
        component [Airco Rules] as ar<br />
    }<br />
    rectangle Transport {<br />
    component [MQTT] as mq<br />
    }<br />
    rectangle Integration {<br />
        component [Z-Wave JS 2 MQTT] as zw2m<br />
        component [Zigbee 2 MQTT] as zb2m<br />
        component [Airco Controller] as acc<br />
        component [Somfy Controller] as soc<br />
        component [Frigate] as fri<br />
    }<br />
<p>rectangle “Physical Devices” {<br />
    component [Wifi Devices] as wfd<br />
    component [Z-Wave Devices] as zwd<br />
    component [Zigbee Devices] as zbd<br />
    component [Photography] as pho<br />
    component [Blinds] as bln<br />
    component [Blink Scraper] as bls<br />
    component [Airco’s] as ac<br />
    component [Camera’s] as cam<br />
<p>ha — ad<br />
ad — ar<br />
ad — lt</p>
<p>gf — id</p>
<p>ha — id<br />
ha — mq<br />
ha — evo<br />
ha — ga<br />
ha — fri</p>
<p>mq — zw2m<br />
mq — zb2m<br />
mq — wfd<br />
mq — pho<br />
mq — acc<br />
mq — soc<br />
mq — bls<br />
mq — fri</p>
<p>zw2m — zwd<br />
zb2m — zbd</p>
<p>ac -up- acc</p>
<p>bln — soc</p>
<p>cam — fri</p>
<p>@enduml<br />

Physical world

PlantUML Syntax:<br />
<p>frame “Server” as s {<br />
    component [Grafana] as gf<br />
    component [InfluxDB] as id<br />
    component [Photography] as pho<br />
    component [Airco Controller] as acc<br />
    component [Blink Scraper] as bls<br />
    component [MQTT] as mq<br />
    component [Frigate] as fri<br />
    component [Home Assistant] as ha<br />
    component [Z-Wave JS 2 MQTT] as zw2m<br />
    component [Zigbee 2 MQTT] as zb2m<br />
    component [CC2652RB Zigbee Stick] as zbst<br />
    component [AEON Labs Z-Wave Stick] as zwst<br />
    component [Somfy Controller] as soc<br />
<p>frame “Cloud” {<br />
    component [Evohome] as evo<br />
    component [Google Assistant] as ga<br />
<p>frame “Physical Devices” {<br />
    component [Wifi Devices] as wfd<br />
    component [Z-Wave Devices] as zwd<br />
    component [Zigbee Devices] as zbd<br />
    component [Airco’s] as ac<br />
    component [Camera’s] as cam<br />
    component [Blinds] as bln<br />
<p>gf — id</p>
<p>ha — id<br />
ha — mq<br />
ha -up- evo<br />
ha -up- ga<br />
ha — fri</p>
<p>mq — zw2m<br />
mq — zb2m<br />
mq — wfd<br />
mq — pho<br />
mq — acc<br />
mq — soc<br />
mq — bls<br />
mq — fri</p>
<p>zw2m — zwst<br />
zb2m — zbst</p>
<p>zwst — zwd<br />
zbst — zbd</p>
<p>ac -up- acc</p>
<p>bln — soc</p>
<p>cam -up- fri</p>
<p>@enduml<br />